
Inclusion And Diversity Programs At Mcdonald's

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program allows for informal and formal mentoring techniques using a virtual environment, some of these techniques are one-on-one interactions and group engagements Inclusion and Diversity Programs McDonalds offers a variety of inclusion and diversity classes in order to lead employees away from just being away of exclusion to taking action in the areas of intercultural-ness. They accomplish and assist groups who need assistance in directing their way to the desired career goal. The inclusion and diversity curriculum includes: black career development, Hispanic career development, gay career development, etc. Along with providing the curriculum that assists with diversity and inclusion, McDonalds offers networking that provide support and …show more content…

McDonalds makes it a point to recognize their employees, and make it a goal that no employee go amiss, a way in which they do this is by having human resource personal routinely having surprise visits and selecting five crew members where they have conversations with them to understand what work is like for them, etc. As a part of recognition is giving employees unique opportunities for example McDonalds gave employees the opportunity to go to London work and vacation during the Olympics. McDonalds also hold contests and awards are presented to the winners, .g. the singing competition that happens every two year that is open to every McDonalds employee all over the world- the winner wins 25 000 US dollars. Recognition awards such as the Ray Kroc Award are even presented to the top 1% of performing restaurant managers in every country. The winners of the Ray Kroc Award win a two-night stay with their spouses a predetermined elite venue as well as 12 000 US dollars and are sent to Chicago to have a banquet dinner with the CEO and other important

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