Incorporating Technology Into Higher-Learning Essay

493 Words2 Pages

Incorporating Technology into Higher-Learning: A Professional Development Module for Higher- Education Faculty
Tyanna Burton
Northern Arizona University

This paper is an examination of the need for professional development, what makes professional development effective, and incorporating different techniques of professional development learning. It reviews various technologies available for use to faculty of higher-learning institutions and how they might incorporate the use of technology into their in-person classroom. Incorporating technology into an adult learning curriculum is different than doing so from a pedagogical standpoint. Adults need to be able to apply what they are learning to real life; thus, this paper reviews how to utilize certain technologies into a “hybrid” higher education course, where the primary instruction is done in-person, with utilization of on-line technology to enhance the …show more content…

The learning context that I am looking at is a professional development program to assist higher learning instructors with how to bring technology into their in-person classrooms. This professional development program will be a hybrid delivery method of both in-teaching and utilizing online resources. With more instruction, higher-education faculty can make their classes more engaging and promote better participation from their students. In order to examine whether the learners of this professional development course are absorbing the information, there will be an assignment incorporating different technologies from both the web and the physical technology in the classroom. The learners will be using their own personal devices with the in-room technology as their delivery method and will be provided with clues that will direct them to resources that are needed in order to complete the assessment