Infant Observation

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Viewing the task of an infant gave me a first-hand experience towards how she behaves around unfamiliar faces as oppose to family members, engages in certain activities and her role with objects. I want to be able to illustrate different performances and behaviors that Daisy exposed; many of which correlate with the resources I was able to obtain through the library. Daisy’s actions are not unusual, in fact, they are what one would consider normal in a developing nascent. Her actions and responses are an imperative contribution to her demeanor on behalf of my observation. I recall the moment I entered the household and made eye contact with Daisy. She expressed no facial movement or emotion as I approached her to say, “Hello.” This is a …show more content…

Daisy guardians demonstrated lots of affection by kissing her cheek at random, as well as, giving her hugs. Daisy herself would even approach her parents just to lean against them or point towards something she wants. I find this comforting because if this attachment would have failed, we would be looking at a maladapted infant (Kanner, 1943; Zaslow and Breger, 1969). This takes me back to the rat video we watched in class, how the mother rat was able to turn on genes with the more licks she gave her baby rat. By observing Daisy I could already tell she is a high-reactive baby, she would constantly put her head down, quite and shy. Also, let 's not forget the little episode she did when the dog went …show more content…

Osofsky (1976) commented on how the development of social behavior and interactions are imperative factors to an infant; however objects play a special role. Infants are able to discover their authority over someone else (597). Muller and DeStefano (1976) explained with an example using two toddlers who would mimic one another without realising it – thus, the control over another peer was observed (598). Others statistics were also taken into consideration, Durfee and Lee, found that “6 to 9-months-olds observed over 5 months, at least, 60% of the contact sequence observed incorporated inanimate objects (598).” According to Daisy 's parents, she is always curious about her surroundings. She loves to explore and touch everything. This I witnessed first-hand. Especially, with the small round colorful balls that were on the floor. Daisy would always pick them up, then throw them. When she observed her brother kick the ball, she did the same and smiled. I would just be quite and laugh along with her joy. There were times she would hand the balls to me and the point to them. Her words were noted as “tidi!” “ehhi” and “teke.” However; her yes and no’s were clear by the way she shook her head for approval or