Informative Essay On Epilepsy

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People with Epilepsy (seizures) can help regulate their brain through Neurofeedback Therapy (brain training). A seizure is a brain that has briefly lost stability. According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2015, 1.2% of the US population had active epilepsy, that’s about 3.4 million people with epilepsy nationwide: 3 million adults and 470,000 children. There are several types of seizures: Non-epileptic seizures, resulting from an illness or injury. Partial seizures, which occur if you have epilepsy and the seizure affects one side of your body. Generalized Seizures affects both sides of the brain and encompass both sides of your body. If people don’t seek treatment for seizures it can often lead to mortality. Sadly, many of the patients I have treated for seizures used to avoid social activity because they were afraid of having seizures in front of …show more content…

They felt completely isolated. One of my patients refused to learn how to drive because she was terribly afraid of having a seizure behind the wheel. For 50 years she’s had to rely on others to drive her and accompany her to places, and this often left her feeling like a burden on her family members. My youngest patient, who is 8 years old, had a brain tumor and was having constant seizures. Not being able to play or engage in the social activity that kids his age do was very emotionally upsetting to him. His quality of life, as well as my other patients, was negatively impacted. Thanks to Neurofeedback Therapy, their lives our flourishing because they’ve learned to control and reduce their seizures because they have retrained their brain. As for my eight-year old patient, well he is simply having a ball being a kid and hasn’t had a seizure in five months! Seeing the joy on his face, makes me realize just how precious life truly is. With that being said, lets learn why Neurofeedback therapy works