Informative Essay On Ocd

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We as people are very curious, its human nature. Has the question, “what is OCD,” ever occurred out of curiosity? How would it feel to have to keep thinking about something that continuously haunted you, that created unwanted emotions? People with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder live with these thoughts daily. According to the Mayo Clinic, OCD can be defined as having unreasonable fear and thoughts that don't completely make sense and lead you to continue with repetitive behaviors. With OCD, someone may believe that their fears and obsessions are one hundred percent reasonable so they try to get rid of them which only makes it worse. There are many factors that play roles in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. OCD is treatable, has many types, and is a common …show more content…

There are many steps that people with OCD can take to improve their mental wellness. A few treatment options include psychotherapy and medications. According to the Mayo Clinic, taking the psychotherapy route consists of facing fears. The OCD patients are required to expose themselves to whatever it is they’re afraid of which will help them realize that their fears are irrational. On the other hand there are medications. According to Mayo Clinic, the medications usually tried first are antidepressants. There can be side effect however, when taking the medications. Psychotherapy would be the safer way to go in terms of side effects. As people, we are different then everyone else therefore the symptoms of a disorder present in one patient may be absent in another. According to the website “OCD-UK”, there are four different types of OCD that people experience. These four types of OCD are: checking, contamination, hoarding, and intrusive thoughts. With checking, the symptoms are relatable