
Informative Essay On Sex Trafficking

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Jennifer was a little girl when her journey toward human trafficking began. After she escaped her abusive parents she was vulnerable and alone, until she met the first man who trafficked her. She was addicted to drugs and tattooed with “King Munch” the gang leader’s name that beat, raped and sold her as a prostitute.
Harold and Dancy D’Souza were promised a good job and a place to stay if they moved from India to America. What they found was long hours without pay, squalled living conditions and threats of violence. Their papers had been confiscated by their “employers” and they were afraid to seek help lest they be deported or thrown in jail for illegal immigration. (from Ohio to the white house cite)
The End of Modern Slavery Initiative Act or S. 553 allots federal money to the end of labor and sex trafficking in the US and to help …show more content…

Because sex trafficking is most prevalent where there is less regulation and incentive to use fair labor practices, the proposed bill will expand the reach of regulation. In some cities in the Philippians they saw a drop in child slavery as much at 79% after increasing regulations. (http://www.tennessean.com/story/opinion/contributors/2015/02/26/can-end-human-slavery/24060515/).
Human trafficking is a 32 billion dollar industry (http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/poverty-matters/2013/jul/15/slavery-industry-money-human-trafficking). That money is going from the backs of abused people into the pockets of criminals, then into the drug trade, human trafficking, smuggling, and other illegal industries. The people who are being bought and sold like chattel are a foundation for other disreputable businesses to thrive. If we remove that foundation I believe we will see a drop in drug trafficking, gang violence and petty crimes associated with

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