Integrity In Ethical Leadership

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The leader should have a clear vision that is capable of being proclaimed effortlessly. This enables them to be able to see into the future, by having a clear direction and compelling objectives of what they want to achieve. With a clear vision a person turns into an exceptional individual that other people trust and follow. This transforms “transactional manager” into a “transformational leader” (Tracy’s blog). Phenomenal leaders are able to go through the emotions of their employees, while managing to get the tasks performed, As articulated by different writers that a vision should be simple, meaningful and a reality (Bennis and Nanus, 1985; Kantabutra, 2009; Kotter, 1996; Kouzes and Posner, 1995; Nanus, 1992; Tichy and Devanna, 1986). …show more content…

The most basic definition of integrity stresses honesty and consistency between a person’s adopted values and behavior. While Becker (1998 p330), comments that “what the leader values and how the person acts” are not part of this definition and he further adds that the critics challenged that moral values and accurate behavior warranted moral …show more content…

As stated that a leader needs servants to earnestly communicate a vision clearly to stimulate people to action. Whilst the leadership literature talks of charismatic or inspirational communication, it is obvious, that not all business leaders are socially confident. Actually, the most successful are introverts (Trait,1996).
It is the responsibility of the leaders to communicate organizational activities in terms of opportunities and threats that may be experienced in the business. (Denning, 2005). If the leadership is uncertain about the information they are communicating this causes resistance in the followers to accept the information (Larson and Tompkins, 2005). Therefore leaders need to be articulate and constantly engaging their followers with passion (Lewis, Schmisseur, Stephens & Weir, 2006). Leaders communicate their values when they make statements about values and objectives that are important and formulate long-term strategies and plans for attaining them. They communicate values and expectations by highly visible symbolic actions relevant for cultural values, such as showing loyalty, self- sacrifice and going an extra mile. They also communicate their priorities and concerns in their daily activity by their choice of things to ask about, measure, comment on, praise and criticize. When a leader does not pay attention to something, the followers regard