Ecological System Theory

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From looking at different cultural lens, various previous researchers have been made in social psychology and intercultural communication for helping people to understand the differences in intercultural misunderstandings. The DIE Exercise (The Describe, Interpret, and Evaluate) is used widely as the method to teach cultural and cognitive awareness (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2010). However from above analysis it can be said that the Exosystem of the local economic structure impacts Alex through her personal relationships and the support or stress on those responsible for socializing her.

4. Macro system
Ecological system theory’s fourth level is macro system. This comprises of cultural environment where an individual lives and how various other system impacts on them like economic, political and cultural values (Bronfenbrenner, 2005). Again this macro system can have both positive and negative effect on personality development of a person.
Significant aspect of Alex Macro system is the fact that she is an independent girl. Because of this she has observed and experienced different norms and values. She has developed her own idea and perception with confidence and positive energy. When asked about her reflection over African American culture she said to understand African-American culture as it impacts on my personality has become one major part of …show more content…

In the same way, it also helps in understanding how broader aspects including culture or time influences individual development process. The major objective was to review the human behavior dynamics and provide greater understanding of basic knowledge relating to sociological, biological and psychological impacts that influences the interaction of individual with society and