Interesting Facts About American Sign Language

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Have you ever wondered how to communicate with someone who is deaf or is hearing impaired? American Sign Language or ASL, can be used to help communicate with that person. American Sign Language is a very organized speaking method in grammar and other parts of English. American Sign Language also known as ASL is used in various places in the world. ASL is not just random hand and arm movements. It also includes facial expressions. Every weird arm or hand movement you see means something. ASL is one type of sign language used while there are several other types like French Sign Language (LSF) and Spanish Sign Language (SSL) used for others. American Sign Language can be compared to different speaking methods, it can be an effect to someone having to learn it, and it has some kinks. Continue reading my essay for interesting facts about ASL. …show more content…

American Sign Language’s origin is not yet proven but some people propose that it was started around 200 years ago by mixing local sign languages with French Sign Language. ASL is used by children and adults. ASL is not used all over the world but is used in the U.S. and some English speaking areas in Canada. People are sometimes referred to as “Deaf” or “deaf.” Yes, there is a difference between the two. The difference is that “Deaf” is when someone was born deaf and “deaf” is just when they are partially deaf or all the way deaf. American Sign Language is unknown to some but can be complex to