Internet Neutrality In A Brave New World

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Time certainly have changed since the beginning of the nineteenth century. Coming from wooden carriages to electric car. The technology we have today is certainly something amazing and that has been incorporated into our everyday lives. Since decades ago, technology and knowledge has led to the advancement of human race. But is this advancement actually benefiting us? If not, who is it actually benefiting? These are the questions we need to be asking our self. This has been happening for decades, before we even had a sense of what could be happening. You may not notice but we are actually closer to the world of big brother than you think.
Within the George Orwell 1984 book, it explains of a world that has complete and utter control of its …show more content…

During 2017-2018, net neutrality was the talk around America. Many high profiled people wanted to control what can be place on the internet and place a price on it as well. Controlling the internet can mean them sending political and brainwashing messages that we will have no concern of. There are already messages being sent but having complete and utter control is a step closer on controlling our lives. A large percentage of the population is using the internet. Not only placing a price on the internet will give them more money in their pockets, but also controlling what we view and how we view things. This would be allowing their perspective to be the only allowed content to be viewed and understood. They can brainwash the citizens into thinking their way and this event that might take place is nothing out of the ordinary and is nothing to be afraid of. So as if it is a usual normal day for them. This is a step forward into controlling citizens lives and the way they …show more content…

Cameras and video recording devices, there everywhere and even we have them in our hands right now. But are they not active? They are active for example, google home devices are current recording families and people’s conversation that are having within there own home. They are unaware the it is occurring and when it is. They company might say it improves efficiency. But if it does, why does it record everything? Same for cameras, long beach police wanted to use hundred of cameras within the city to reduce crime. Reducing crime is important and does not seem like a bad idea. But these would be private cameras only known to those of central control. Private cameras that citizens are not aware of, it sounds logical and reasonable. But these cameras would not be used for only that purpose only. Will we be able to trust those how are over seeing the cameras? This would allow them to have an insight of everybody’s daily lives. This would allow the route they take to get home, what food they purchase, where they take out money, and everything. The problem is trust, trusting them that they would only do good and use the devices for