Interview Paper

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Changes are inevitable. Whether we like them or not, we should learn to embrace them. Organizational changes can have a large impact on whether a company can make it or not. When do companies really need change? That is usually the million-dollar question. As mentioned in the reading from Cawsey, pg.96 understanding the need for change requires making sense of External data, perspectives of stakeholders, internal data and accessing personal concerns and perspectives. Successful businesses are always analyzing their company needs change. But needing change and implementing change are two different things. I was fortunate enough to be able to interview my previous boss, Mr. William Garcia. He holds a successful background with the company and …show more content…

He was the person why identify the need and vision for change. He began to see the many of his employees or overwhelmed, there is low morale, there is no quality and too many things to focus on. He completely disagreed with how things were being done and decided to specialize individuals. The next step was the call volume he started to notice that the call's being received were not the type of clients the company was looking for. He began to work with marketing and decided to make his own unit based completely Out bound work. Far beyond the need for change and the vision, he wanted to change the culture. He struggled to get others aboard, so he decided to start just among his team. This process was the way he aligned strategically, started small and “Morphing” tactics Cawsey, pg.167. His approach would make it easier to gain approval and was not considered a major change. He describes that once he discovered change was needed, he started to figure out how he could make it happen. He reassessed the goals and started making his team aware that change was coming. He allowed his team to input. This step was similar to heightening the awareness of the need for change Cawsey, Pg. 94. While assessing the situation, he wanted to know how his role would help the change be …show more content…

He was not delegating, instead developing others to lead one day. He mentioned great leaders, grow because they envision growth. He began to assign responsibilities based on skill set’s. As the change was implemented he also began to create a different culture. A culture where employees were able to talk, confide and trust; He made them aware that he had their best interests at heart. Mr. Garcia describes he continuously monitored the progress of changes. The change included, segregating lines of business, establishing a separate phone lines, establishing a call center, and forming different processes which were less time consuming. He created processes and procedures with the least amount of resources possible. He began to see production increase, Greater confidence and Increased morale. Segregating the lines of business, also meant more opportunities to provide expert advice and dedicate more time to the clients. Executives took notice. Eventually all states began to specialize individuals in different products/ lines of business. The quality and retention were also at an all-time high. He looks back now and realizes that success didn't come easy. He states it took a lot of hard work, determination and culture change to make