The Mcwhinney Model

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McWhinney model of problem-solving (1997) is adopted for solving complex problems of ABC Organisation identified and described in the preceding section. The model relates the complex problem-solving course to the process of the making planned change in the complex problem areas identified to achieve increased efficiency and improved productivity in the organisation. Problem solving is about planning and achievement of desired changes in complex problem areas under consideration and the McWhinney model of problem-solving deals with four realities or “worldviews” of change and six approaches or modes of change. As per the model, these different worldviews or preferred beliefs can be classified into four quadrants namely Unitary, Sensory, social …show more content…

McWhinney theory of problem-solving has identified a series of different approaches to solving complex problems in the organisation based on how the company views the realities, problem-solving and change management process. The Modes of change or approaches are formed by combining the four realities or worldviews into six distinct combinations.
The different modes of change described in the McWhinney problem-solving model include Analytic, Assertive, Influential, Evaluative, Inventive and Emergent.
As per McWhinney model,
 Pairing of realities grouped in the Unitary and Sensory quadrants result in Analytic …show more content…

Imperative mode of change described in the model indicate the transformation achieved from the leadership authority position, where the change is complaint with the coercive power strategy adapted by the company.
According to the McWhinney model, the Emergent solution is a mode of change that can be achieved by the creation and acceptance of a newer idea generated from the change leader individual, or that might have originated from the group involved in the change process. This mode of change bring in necessary changes by enabling social interaction through the alteration of the values held by the critical stakeholders, and the solutions arrived at are positive in nature.
Inventive mode of change is one where the change is accepted in the company for the usefulness of a new alternative solution, and the transformation is achieved through the realisation new solution.
Influential mode of change represents the transformation that is achieved through the recognition of the new values, either accepted by imposing its actual values by the company management or the adopted voluntarily by the group of the