
Modes Of Courtrooming

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Fourth degree sexual assault defined by state law involves: any intentional touching...either directly or through clothing by the use of any body part or object, of complainant's or defendant's intimate parts if that intentional touching is either for the purpose of sexually degrading; or for the purpose of sexually humiliating the complainant or sexually arousing or gratifying the defendant or if the touching contains the elements of actual or attempted battery (Trudeu, 1993, p.51). All sexual behavior between adult and child, or child and child- being three or more years different in age- is considered sexual abuse. If an adult shows, looks, or touches a child in a sexual way for the adult’s sexual needs, even if there was no involvement …show more content…

The differences in context include intra-familial and extra-familial grooming. Extra-familial grooming is when the child is sexually abused by strangers. The process of 'grooming' explained in the previous paragraph occurs mostly in an intra-familial situation. Intra-familial grooming is when the child is abused by a family member or someone they know very well. This type of abuse is the most accruing one. Incest is a form of intra-familial grooming. Incest is when an older family member is sexually abusing a child or adolescent (RAINN, 2009) while, intra-familial is a type of 'grooming' - gaining the trust of the child and there surrounding to sexually abuse - done inside the family by a family member. A study done in the UK found that 74% of the victims knew their offender and 58% of them were abused by a family member. The subject in the types of grooming includes child grooming, familial and social grooming, and institutional grooming. Child, familial, social, and institutional grooming is the process that we explained in the previous paragraph in which the offender gains the trust of the child and his or her surrounding - family, friends and community. The mode of grooming - the means of approach - can be done 'face-to-face', 'on-line', 'street', and …show more content…

Prevention programs try to educate children about the signs of abusive relationship that can be seen before any physical harm has been done. Parents and adults need to understand that sexual abuse prevention (SAP) is not sexual education. SAP should be discussed with your children just like you discuss every day safety issues (Kozisek, 2014). Children and young people need to learn about sexual abuse and its risks in order to know when to protect themselves or tell their parents or any other trusted adult because they will then know they are not in a normal situation (Gordon, p.175, Kozisek, 2014). Parents fear that the talk about SAP with their kids will take away their innocence or making them anxious because abuse is a horrible thing (Kozisek, 2014). SAP will teach your child that sexual abuse is always wrong - teaching your child to never abuse, increase their knowledge and understanding about sex and sexual abuse and explore to clarify feelings - knowing the difference between "good" and "bad" touch, values and attitudes - developing self esteem (Gordon, p.175-181). Prevention programs should teach the children that there is always a trusted adult they could refer to, how to seek help, refusal skills and most importantly SAP

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