The Inventions Of Leonardo Da Vinci

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We are the inventors group, and we are going to talk to you about two different inventors and some of their inventions of the renaissance. The inventors made some inventions and some of the inventions they didn’t make, but they stored them for years to come. The inventions they made and did not make would be things we use today and that help improve our everyday lives. Leonardo Da Vinci was one of the Renaissances best inventors. Not to include he was also a painter and a actor! When Leonardo was alive he kept all his inventions a secret, in fact his many notebooks weren't found for 200 years after his death. He was the inspiration for modern day tanks, guns, flying devices, and even ball bearings! If we did not find his notebooks and figured …show more content…

A real one was made that actually worked though. All of this was happening somewhere in Italy. Da Vinci was an inventor as well as an artist. Why he drew this, it is hard to tell. But he did and it actually worked. Well, Da Vinci never made it, but if he did he 23 would have made a lot of money. Ornithopter The ornithopter was created by Leonardo Da Vinci, around 1505. It was created in Malin in Da Vinci’s workshop. The reason the ornithopter was created was because Da Vinci had a theory of flight. How it was created the prototype was paper and stick. Da Vinci had a lot of theories and it was a really good theory that we used today. Some Inventions Leonardo drew most of his inventions but did not build them, like the Giant Crossbow, but he did make some pretty great inventions like the Ball Bearing which he made in 1498 -1500, the Parachute, the Machine gun technically it was a rapid fire machine, and a Revolving bridge. Most of these machines are still use today some of his drawings led to some of the things we use today like his drawing of the Diving gear which lead to the modern day diving …show more content…

He first commenced work on his printing press in Europe, Germany 1438 and had finished it by 1460. The printing press was made for the monks so they did not have to write books. This was a big deal because if monks would mess up on a book they would have to restart on the whole book. He got the idea from Bi Sheng, the first inventor of the printing press but never made the machine. “Nearly 600 years before Gutenberg, Chinese monks were setting ink to paper using a method known as block printing, in which wooden blocks are coated with ink and pressed to sheets of paper.” In conclusion, Leonardo Da Vinci and the printing press were some of the most successful people and things ever created. The printing press was able to make books faster than Monks and normal people could write them and some of the inventions that Da Vinci revolutionized the world that we know, Especially the ball bearing that allows most of the machines that we know work. All in all, those things we talked about were the most important things to that time period, and to the