
Iowa State University Library Architecture Analysis

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Since the founding of Iowa State University in 1858. ISU has gone through a long history of libraries throughout time from Old Main building to now Parks Library located across the street from Gilman Hall and Morrill Rd. This library is the only one on campus. This a great place where students come to work and study together through the rigors of college life. The library was named and dedicated to W. Robert Parks, the 11th president of the University and his wife, Ellen Sorge Parks in 1984 after the most recent renovation in 1983. One thing that stands out about this unique library is the styles of architecture used on the building have changed over time. You can see these changes today by just walking around the library kind of walking back …show more content…

Designed by Charles Herbert and Associates and built by Story Construction. Extending the south side of the building to add more study space for students. With the addition of the glass curtain wall It brings in more natural light and conserves more energy for the school. “A glass curtain wall affords visitors a panoramic view of campus and serves as a transition between the limestone facades of the original building and the third addition.” The design also integrates the traditional architecture of the original building into the interior space of the …show more content…

With the new glass curtain wall and all of the different angles of the glass windows implies what this university is all about. The most renovation has some resemblance of De Stijl style embraces the abstract aesthetics of basic visuals in elements such as shape, angles and color (The Art Story). with the design straight lines and sharp angles can be seen throughout the south side of the building with the different shapes and angles they used for the glass. Iowa State University of Science and Technology. The library represents the university it shows the student body this is thriving university of science and technology and not your typical old roman architecture library filled with dusty books. “With the library at the heart of any major teaching and research institution, it is small wonder that Iowa State's Library has been transformed more over the years than any other building on campus” (Building Information). This library is for the students for helping and looking to make the next big thing for this

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