Is Abortion Right Or Wrong Research Paper

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Abortion: WRONG or Right
Abortion is when a woman is pregnant and does not want to have the baby. She goes to the doctor and has the baby killed inside of her baby. The definition of abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Abortion is a horrible thing. abortion is against the God’s word in every way.
There are multiple reasons people want to have an abortion. Some reasons people get abortions are because they can not pay for the baby. Can not take care of the baby, or if it was unplanned pregnancy. There are numerous other reasons people kill their baby. There are also countless reasons and theories for abortion being “right” in the world such as, they say that the Fetus is not alive. They fight that it is a right for women to do what they want to do with their bodies. All these may seem right, but couldn’t be more wrong. …show more content…

Some examples are, worldwide each year approximately 43.8 million babies are aborted each year. That is about a baby each 2 seconds. An estimated 57.5 million babies in the U.S. have been aborted since 1973. In the United States, about half of all pregnancies are unintended. Of all unintended pregnancies, 4 in 10 are aborted. There are abounding melancholy numbers and statistics that show the sin in the world.
There are numerous cons of abortion, but no pros. Some cons of abortion is the Mother’s body goes through a terrible strain, it is not natural to kill a baby in your womb. You killed one of God’s wonderful creations. You killed someone. Mortal sin. Abortion give people an excuse to have sex while not married. It also gives them a false security that having sex the “worst” thing that could happen is a pregnancy that they could just kill. Also that false security gives way to diseases to spread and other cons. There are no pros to

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