Is Cheerleading A Sport Essay

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Every cheerleader gets sparked up when people start that “Is cheerleading a sport” debate. Cheerleading started as a male endeavor in 1898, when a University of Minnesota football fan led the crowd in verse in support of their team. From there, it went to fan cheering fans at game. It made the people that were playing, play and want to win. Cheerleading is an athletic sport, a way to learn to play many roles, and cheerleaders train hard.

Cheerleading is an athletic sport. Lots of people think Cheerleading isnt a sport. They think, “aww, look over there, they are so cute in their uniforms, jumping around”. To wear those uniforms they have to work. And work for those cheerleaders are athletic. Working means “Practicing 2 to 3 hours several days a week” (Almasy p.1). One example is “Every cheerleader gets fired up when someone sparks the "Is cheerleading a sport?" debate. Whether it’s a football player in one of your classes, a teacher who talks down about cheerleading, or a friend who doesn’t understand why you’re not involved in something else “more athletic,” you want people to know that cheerleaders are athletes.”Cheerleading is a athletic sport. Cheerleaders are athletes, not people who just jump in uniforms for fun. They have to earn that uniform to wear it. Cheerleading takes a lot of hard work. And a whole lot of time. People …show more content…

Training for competitions takes work and time. Large amounts of time. Cheerleading competitions are huge for cheerleaders. They want to bring home the gold. Cheerleaders want to perfect the routines. Competitions are cheerleaders way of showing they can do things. They want to show what they can do, what they’ve been practicing. Even games take cheerleaders full attention. They have to listen and focus. For example if they were doing a build, they have to hear the counts be very balanced and that takes cheerleaders full attention. Competitions and games takes cheerleaders full