Is College Considered For Everyone Essay

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Is College Considered for Everyone? Is college the best option a person can make? There are many responses to this question. Every human being has a different perspective in which they all make different choices. The definition of college is having the opportunity to sustain your education. As a child, advice from our relatives were given to us that college is a significant way of success that is waiting for us in the future. Great advice, but does everyone take that advice and actually accomplish it? We all have our way of thinking that manage us for what we do now. Not everyone takes the path of looking forward to attend college because there are obstacles that comes through our lives such as lack of money and counseling. Nevertheless, college can give …show more content…

It can be difficult for some students to choose between these options. Mostly because many are the first-generation whose parents have not earned a college degree. Being the first-generation college student might be a little frustrating. Why? Because it’s hard to figure out on how to get started with the process in particular to academic progress, misunderstanding financial aid, and college admissions, etc. Lack of counseling is one of the biggest issues that is considered why many students more importantly the first-generation take a step behind from attending college. “Students need strong counseling to identify the best possible options” (Hrabowski 261). Counselors are not the only ones to advice students but their parents also. Without counseling, students will tend to struggle more throughout college. This is why both in school campus and home should be accessible for the student to feel free to ask any doubt. In order for this situation to be over, school counselors can promote a school-wide climate that encourages all students to prepare for postsecondary education by advocating for college