
Is Macbeth Mentally Weak

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The Tragedy of Macbeth Macbeth is the main character in the classic Shakespeare play, “Macbeth.” In the beginning of this play Macbeth is mentally stable and he is very devoted to his king, Duncan. Throughout the play Macbeth is being told to do certain things that start to make Macbeth mentally weak. He begins to make bad decisions after bad decisions and that's when the consequences get worse and worse for Macbeth. This is when Macbeth begins to fall into a mental deterioration. Both Macbeth and Banquo run into these witches that have three prophecies, two for Macbeth and one for Banquo. “All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!” (Shakespeare, 17) This is when the witches told Macbeth that he will not only be the Thane of Caword …show more content…

Ha, they pluck out mine eyes. / Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather / The multitudinous seas incarnadine, / Making the green one red.” (Shakespeare, 59) Macbeth told Lady Macbeth after he begins to see this dagger filled with blood on it. Only Macbeth could see this so called dagger. So now that he is hallucinating and realizes it he somewhat thinks that everything that he is seeing and hearing is just a hallucination. What he begins hearing is a knocking at the door. “I hear a knocking / At the south entry. Retire we to our chamber.” (Shakespeare, 59) Lady Macbeth told Macbeth. So it is proven that the knocking definitely wasn't just in his head and it was actually a porter at the door. Another hallucination that Macbeth had experienced is that when the trees of Birnam Wood, Macbeth begins to see them moving and feels as though he is going to be attacked by them, this is when Macbeth starts to think that he is doomed. Macbeth also had other hallucinations such as when he hears warning voices of sleepless days ahead of him as the murder of king Duncan. Then, in Act 3 scene 4: Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghosts at the postcornation banquet. All of this happens after the witches told him the two

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