Is The Difference Between Herschel's Grand Project And The Ultimate Object Of His Investigation

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Discovery of Uranus by William Herschel in 1781

When I say, William Herschel, you probably ask yourself, like the Hersey bar? No, not like the Hersey bar. William Herschel discovered Uranus, way back in the day. The important part about the discovery is how he discovered it, what motivated him, and why it’s significant. “Herschel's grand project and the ultimate object of his observations was the "Construction of the Heavens." Herschel sought to understand the arrangement of… the Milky Way, as well as… other star systems.”2 This is how he found Uranus. The short story is that Herschel was looking in the constellation Gemini and found what he thought was a star. Later, he looked again and found that it had moved. Moved much more than any star.

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