Isaac Newton A Hero

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The definition of hero is a person, man, who is admired or realized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Isaac Newton was born on December 4th, 1642. Isaac Newton was born three months after his father 's death. Isaac Newton’s mother remarried. He was a junior and hated his stepfather. On January 4, 1643, Isaac Newton jr. was born in Woolsthorpe, England. He was an only child of Isaac Newton and Hannah Ayscough. Isaac Newton jr. died three months after his dad died. Newton was a baby born tiny. He was not expected to live. When he was 3 his mother, married a minister (Barnabas Smith.) She went to live with him, leaving Isaac with his grandma. He was obsessed with his work. When Isaac was 12, he was with his mother …show more content…

Part of Newton 's study of optics was helped with the use of a reflecting telescope that he had made in 1668—his first major public achievement. This item helped prove his theory of light and color. The Royal Society wanted a demonstration of his reflecting telescope in 1671, and the group 's interest encouraged Newton to publish his notes on light, optics and color in 1672. These notes were later published as part of Newton 's Opticks: Or, A treatise of the Reflections, Refractions, Inflections and Colors of Light. Although, not everyone at the Royal Academy was excited about Newton 's discoveries in optics. Among the dissenters was Robert Hooke, one of the original members of the Royal Academy and a scientist who succeeded in a number of areas, including mechanics and optics. In his paper, Newton theorized that white light was a composite of all colors of the spectrum, and that light was composed of particles. Hooke believed that light was composed of waves. Hooke quickly condemned Newton 's paper in condescending terms, and attacked Newton 's methodology and conclusions. Hooke wasn’t the only one to question Newton 's work in optics. Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens and a number of French Jesuits also raised objections. But because of Hooke 's association with the Royal Society and his own work in optics, his criticism stung Newton the worst. Unable to handle