Welles Remy Crowther: A Hero

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Welles Remy Crowther Heros are idolized for their noble qualities. A hero is a selfless, brave, inspiring individual. A hero is a courageous person who is willing to do what it takes to help others. Welles Remy Crowther is well known as a hero because of his outstanding achievements. In Welles Crowther’s short life he was a leader and always had a strong sense of courage. Welles was the oldest of three in his household because he had two younger sisters. Welles was born in 1977 and died on September 11, 2001. He grew up in the northern New York suburbs but then moved to the city when he had gotten older. When he was six years old his father had given him a red bandana to put it his pocket. He then became a lacrosse player and graduated