Islam In America Essay

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Ask many in America today, and they will tell you that Islam is a violent religion of hatred and terrorism. However, even a glance at the Qu’ran proves otherwise. The Qu’ran, or what is basically the essence of the Islam religion, explicitly demonstrates ideas of both acceptance and peace throughout its teachings.
Contrary to common American beliefs, the Qu’ran actually not only acknowledges, but equates followers of the other two major religions with the Muslim people by stating that “those who believe, and the Jews, and the Sabians, and the Christians—whoever believes in God and the Last Day, and does what is right—they have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.” (69). The Qu’ran goes even further, and reveals that while Islam is accepting …show more content…

In the years following, George Bush’s “War on Terror” that targeted many militant Islamic organizations, such as Al-Qaeda did nothing but spread this bitter resentment among the population of America. Even well educated people, such as 2016 presidential contender, Yale University alumnus, and former head of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Ben Carson, still claim today that they, “would have problems with somebody who embraced all the doctrines associated with Islam." (CNN). This blatant attack on the Muslim doctrines, like so many others made every day, is completely unfounded. The Qu’ran specifically states, “We ordained for the Children of Israel: that whoever kills a is as if he killed the whole of mankind; and whoever saves it, it is as if he saved the whole of mankind.” (32). The promotion of peace, and discouragement of killing in the holy text is something that many Americans would be surprised by. The Qu’ran, as a whole, dispels assumptions that many Americans make about the Islamic culture. It demonstrates the peace and acceptance, even above that of the Jews and Christians, that is apparent in Muslim society, and unknown to much of the population of the United States of

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