Review Of Japan's Imperial Army, Its Rise And Fall By Edward J. Drea

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There is absolutely one clear way of knowing and understanding the history of modern Japan and this is through knowing the history of the country’s army. This can be known through Edward J, Drea’s book Japan’s Imperial Army, Its Rise and Fall, 1853-19465, Published in the Press of Kansas in 2009. It provides a historical framework of the historical background that guides people with Japan’s history Details.
The historical rise and fall of the japan in the Asian history entirely depended on its army. In the book by Edward J,Drea, it is clearly seen that the Japanese army was a strong force. This helps in the assessment of the standing of empires in modern who entirely there continued existence largely attributes to having strong military forces. …show more content…

Military to the two domain provinces of Choshu and Satsuma determined the Army leadership for a number of good years after. Culturally fighting was done by samurai in Japan and not common people, this indeed took a lot of time before appreciation of common people making good soldiers.
There existed a brutality pattern in the Japanese army which arose out of culture. This called for common soldiers being brutalized in order to become good fighters. This army belonged to the Japanese emperor and not the country. People also learnt military spirit alongside the soldiers in Japan. This was aimed at trump in all diversity and material deficiencies. Logistics and other services needed were neglected and often failed in playing their roles as army men. This might have led to the fall of Japan and its

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