Jean Piaget's Theory Of Learning

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Learning is a process that brings together cognitive, emotional and environmental influences and experiences for acquiring, enhancing or making changes in one’s knowledge, skills, values and world views. According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive constructivism- humans construct their own understanding by reflecting on their personal experiences and by relating their new knowledge with what they already know. Humans create their own ‘schemas’ to make sense of the world and accommodate new knowledge by adjusting their ‘schemas’. For example, for a student to learn multiplication, he/she needs to have a good idea of addition and grouping objects. Here, the new knowledge of multiplication is constructed from/on the existing knowledge of repeated addition. Learning occurs in a cultural context and involves social interactions (Vygotsky). With reference to the above mentioned example, learning happens when the student goes to a shop and buys four chocolates of ₹5/- each. Learning is enhanced when content is relevant to student’s lives. Meta-cognitive skills enables learners to manage their learning process and learn new concepts effectively. Emotions too play a major role in student’s learning. Students who are fearful, anxious, depressed or distracted cannot focus to process information. Positive emotions- feelings of confidence and willingness to exert effort- can help students to think, perform a learning task, and process new knowledge. Emotional intelligence enhances