
Jeffrey Dahmer Recidivism Case Study

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Risk assessments are used to help determine recidivism rates among offenders. Sex offenders have quite a few assessments from VRAG, SORAG, SVR-20, SIR, and Static-99. Out of the assessments SORAG and Static-99 are used the most for sex offenders. Sex offenders also tend to be rapist, child molester and violent killers. A sex offender that fits these categories is a guy by the name Jeffrey Dahmer. He committed a total of 17 murders form the years 1978 through 1991. Therapeutic inventions such as cognitive approach that tries to change the person psychological behavior and their behavior. Many of the sex offenders that do not finish the treatments have higher recidivism rate than those who do finish the programs.
Sex offenders tend to go after the same type of people that victimized them as a young age. Child abusers are someone who engages in sexual contact with a minor younger than the age …show more content…

Jeffrey was a curious child growing up and found interest in animals. While his dad collected the bones of dead animals, Jeffrey found this amusing and enjoyed the way the sound made when the bones dropped. At age six, Jeff had surgery due to a double hernia and after the surgery it seemed to affect his personality. The family would then move to a city a few hours from Cleveland. Jeff became shy, and his family believed he should be more involved in activities and should play with the other kids. His family would then buy him a dog and they would even let Jeff name his brother. Jeff would then become more fascinated with animals and wondered what they looked like inside, so he would collect dead animals from beside the road, in woods anywhere he could find them and then he would dissect them. Years later his family would get a divorce and his father and mother left at the same time leaving Jeff to himself at that age 18, which gave him the perfect opportunity to commit his first

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