Jenna Bunn: A Case Study

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What could possibly possess someone to quit a well-established career in nursing to pursue a lifelong hobby? Jenna Bunn, a fiery redhead with a passion for every aspect of photography, has the burning answer and much more to share. Her humble nine years of saving lives in Texas has somehow transitioned into exploring the depths of photography, around the United States, and finding her soon-to-be husband. On October 6, 2015, I finally got to interview Mrs. Bunn via FaceTime because she is currently living in the beautiful city of San Francisco, California. Jenna is a freelance photographer so a majority of her work comes from weddings and headshots, but this glamorous job wasn’t always her main focus. In the year 1999, Jenna began college at University of Lafayette with ambitious dream …show more content…

Jenna explained, “Nobody really wanted to hire a woman that worked out of her car and had no professional experience.” This roadblock truly did not stop her so she ended up lowering her standards. Instead of trying to professionally photograph elaborate weddings, she decided to do senior portraits for bratty teenagers and the headshots of new hopeful actors. Although Jenna was finally enjoying her time, a humble beginning isn’t exactly stable money. Luckily, Mrs. Bunn had a cushioned saving account that substituted the money she needed until she acquired higher paying jobs. While gathering the skills for these higher scale jobs, Jenna actually found something that she wasn’t looking for, a husband. On a dreary day in February of 2013, Jenna was being interviewed by some clients that were looking for a wedding photographer. The clients had one other person to interview that day, Patrick Bunn. Now it may sound cliché, but Patrick Bunn stole the job, but Jenna ultimately stole his heart. The two married on March 1, 2014 all because she pursued her

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