Essay On Jewish Culture

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Culture is the beliefs, values, and background unique to an individual person or group of people. Jewish culture is focused on the action and life of YHWH and his teachings. Judaism influences the lives of practitioners by increasing their faith through their internal and external values by learning about central figures, the creation story of the universe, sacred texts, key beliefs and teachings, numbers of believers and major sects,methods of prayer and worship, holy days and festivals, and holy places.
The Jewish faith was first started over 3,500 thousand years ago. The Jews believe that the world was created in a week with a new creation each day. On the first day of creation God created the heavens and the earth which include everything from the earth to space. He also created light and darkness in order to have days. The second day of creation God creates a the sky forming a boundary between water and air; this is our atmosphere. The third day God creates all …show more content…

Most of those places include synagogues which are houses of worship and at home were each Jewish family celebrates uniquely. They sometimes celebrate at home because it is tradition to pray every three hours. Israel is the heart of Judaism. Israel is where most of Judaism’s beliefs and believers come from. The Jordan River is where Jesus was baptized and is also a main place of worship for the Jews.
Judaism, founded by Moses and traced back to Abraham. Judaism is the belief that there is only one almighty God. They dedicate most of their day praising and worshiping their God, who they call YHWH. Almost everything a Jewish person does can become an act of worship. Judaism fully influences the Jews internal and external values by learning about central figures, the creation story of the universe, sacred texts, key beliefs and teachings, numbers of believers and major sects,methods of prayer and worship, holy days and festivals, and holy