Jhally's Objectification Of Women

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For contemporary society, Advertising system exists everywhere with ads, news and TV shows. It always depends on media language such as metaphors, metonyms ,duns and hyperbole to create a brand. Meanwhile, advertising system uses images which directly displays products and heightens atmosphere to emphasize the impression of art. For modern people, even though they are not engaged in commercial activity, a great mount of advertisements such as television, newspaper promoting board and posters are came into people’s daily life. According to Dittrich(2008), one person has watched 400-600 types of advertisements every day and this data will be risen to 40-60 million when he or she is at age of 60. Living saturated by all forms of media images regarding to sexuality and gender, people could be influenced by some of images which are stereotypical and unrealistic for female. This essay will discuss this viewpoint and counter Jhally’s with particular reference regarding to misrepresentation of female. Details on women objectified , stereotyped and trivialized are discussed in later sections.

Women Objectified

As for women objectified, for instance, here is an advertisement …show more content…

More business and organizations tend to think about the effect their media and marketing messages have on the public. Here are two examples demonstrating the change from women trivialised to getting attitude. The first example of Santoor deodorant ad which types of products seldom show women positive light displays the images that the lady runs, jumps and reaches office before her male colleague to give a presentation. Another example of fair and lovely ads is that a dark skinned woman uses the product to lighten her skin tone and first rates to become an air hostess and a commercial featuring film star Genelia D'souza. All these ads are showing woman as having aspirations and nothing can stop them in achieving