Jim Beam Barrel Essay

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Jim Beam Barrels are produced in Clermont, Kentucky, which is the birthplace of the world’s largest producer of whiskey. Pumping more than fifteen million cases of bourbon each year, there is a long process which takes place to make these products. The raw materials include American White Oak, mash bill, and various grains (Savage). The American White Oak is the specific type of barrel which is used to contain the Bourbon product. This barrel, not only uses it’s shape to prevent damage to the product, but also extracts flavor from the American White Oak into the beverage to give it that signature taste. To make this product you must have to at least fifty percent corn in the mash bill and forty-nine percent of the any of the following: Rye, barley, wheat, or any other common grain (Media). The different grains obtained by Jim Beam are used to produce different mash bills, all age at various times. The whiskey becomes Bourbon once it has matured in the barrels. Originating in Kentucky, located in the United States, Jim Beam products are shipped all across the globe. There are over fifteen countries which are involved in bottling this product include some of the following: Canada, Mexico, Australia, …show more content…

The first step is the barrel production, which is made from American White Oak. The barrels are warmed up and bent into shape using hot steam. The hot steam keeps the staves from cracking during bending. During this process, the alcohol get flavor from the wood. According to Jimmy Lineberger, “giving the alcohol time to get the full flavor of the wood” is the most important step of the process. With time, the tastes begin to alter. Afterwards, the inside of the barrels are burned over open flame and then cooled down with water, this allows a charcoal layer to be created inside. In the end, the barrels are tested for leakages, if they pass they are transported to the distribution

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