
Jimi Hendrix Accomplishments

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“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” This quote was stated by Jimi Hendrix during his reign of fame in the late 1960s. Jimi Hendrix was an extremely talented individual that fell in love with music at a very young age. He received his first guitar at age 11. Since then, he never stopped playing for the rest of his life. Over time, he became a musical legend by never giving up on his dreams and overcoming any obstacle that encountered him. Jimi Hendrix was an extremely talented musician that revolutionized the sound of music, influenced other musicians to create new genres, and became such a captivating icon in his short amount of time of fame.
Jimi Hendrix was an extremely talented musician that revolutionized …show more content…

When Jimi would create his music, he only wanted people to enjoy themselves while listening. He made an impact on the pop scene like never before. Up and coming artists from the time would study him to understand how he created such artistic and unique music. Other musicians would try to imitate his style and sound. Some people would go as far as changing their hairstyle just to look like him, After some time, the artists that were studying him began to build their own sound off of his. Culture from the time loved all the new music coming from the artists. The new artists and bands would go on to create new genres of music. Jimi is even credited to having some influence in creating other genres such as hip hop. Jimi Hendrix is also credited to creating the sharp distorted sounds of the guitar including sound effects, and incredible sound melodies. (“Jimi Hendrix Biography”). Some people can say Jimi is the reason music is the way it is now. He was even given credit as being the Beethoven of the 60s. Making a huge impact in the music scene that created many new genres of music for everyone to love might be why Hendrix is considered one of the most influential artists of all

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