
Jodie Smith Monologue

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The policeman apologized for the disturbance and before he left, he told me something that literally took my breath away. It was something I still think about to this day. "I wouldn't be surprised if you had a few poltergeist here," he said. "Have you ever heard anything weird or seen anything?" I just faked a smile and I told him I have not. "Why?" I asked. He asked to take a seat in the living room and we did just that. "I guess you haven't heard about the murders that took place here," he said. "Six children were found dead in that room since 1953." I was beyond shocked to hear that, in fact, it goes beyond words to express how I was feeling. "Yeah, I was working on one of the cases almost twenty years ago now, the one about the little girl. I believe her name was Jodie," he said. Yeah, seven year old Jodie Smith. I still remember when I arrived to the scene. I'd never seen anything like it. The girl...she was...mutilated. It was something you could never forget, how someone could do that to a little girl." "Did they ever find who killed her?" I asked. "Well, we did find a little diary in the girl's room. It talked about how some guy she …show more content…

I did get a locksmith to open that damn door in the basement. He told me he'd found a doll. It was Wally, hanging by its neck from the ceiling. The thing that really bothered me, was the pictures he found taped to the walls. They were mostly pictures of Sam, sleeping, eating and one of him talking to Meryl in the living room. Another photo showed him in the woods, burying Max in the dirt. There was nobody else with him, but you can see a shadow there, a shadow of what appeared to be a girl. The last photo, was of me, sleeping peacefully in bed. Based on the date on the photo, it was taken on the night I had what I thought was just a

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