John Grisham Banned

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To Kill a Mockingbird, A Time to Kill, and The Awakening all have something in common. All of these books have been banned and challenged in various places. According to, A Time to Kill is ranked number 67 in American Library Association’s most frequently banned book in between 2000-2009. John Grisham’s award-winning novel A Time to Kill is banned and challenged in various places because of the violence, rape, and foul language used.
John Grisham, the author of A Time to Kill, was interviewed by Jon Stewart on the The Daily Show in 2005. Grisham was getting interviewed on how he felt about having his book banned in Texas prisons and challenged in many more states. Grisham said that a banned book gives one ‘more clout’ so he did not mind it(Baldassarro). John Grisham went to law school at the University of Mississippi to become a lawyer. He practiced law for a little while and witnessed many brutal cases. His law career inspired many of the books he has written. Grisham also says that he was inspired by Harper Lee’s best-selling novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. John Grisham approached writing this book as a hobby. The book took him three years to write. His background as a lawyer helped advance his career as a best-selling author.
Grisham wrote this book because he witnessed a trial where …show more content…

A Time to Kill is very graphic. The novel shows how racial violence can affect how people approach topics(Banned and Challenged Books). The book contains a shooting scene where two people are killed and one is injured. Crosses are burned in the lawyer, Jake Brigance’s, yard. People become very violent in the this book because of one trial that turned awry. Not only are the crosses burned, Brigance has to try and save his client’s life along with his own because the people turned against him. The people who were violent against him wanted Brigance to stop defending the African American girl and her