Johnson & Johnson Case Analysis

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Johnson & Johnson is a global, multibillion-dollar brand that has continued growth in the three market segments that include the consumer, pharmaceutical, and medical devices and diagnostics divisions. Out of the three, J&J have the highest sales within the pharmaceutical segment. Their success has been noted not only in sales and innovative products, but the efforts put towards diversity and inclusion. J&J is a company that values diversity and inclusion. They prove this by embedding diversity into all of their business practices. Their business model is framed around global diversity and inclusion where, at their foundation lies “Our Credo” values. “Our Credo”, is a way to communicate the mission and vision and accountability that J&J holds itself to and ensuring all its operating companies adhere to the credo. It sets a tone for what is expected to J&J. Credo creates framework that helps in decision making considering the quality and their impacts. This includes putting the customer first, education, communication, leadership ownership and engagement. J&J’s main focus includes having a diverse and inclusive workforce with a leadership pipeline, having a culture of inclusion in the workplace, and leveraging cultural insights in the overall marketplace. J&J values their stakeholders by creating an environment of mutually beneficial relationships. Any global company today is faced with problems of handling the issues related to diversity and a workforce which are