Jonah And Jonah: The Book Of Obadiah

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Joel; The book of Joel is the fourth book of the minor prophets and it is about the crisis and shows images of agricultural ruins and their impact on the life of Juda. it has a lot of prophecies about the arrival of the day of Jehova. but this book mainly deals with the prophecies that Joel made after the land of Judah was afflicted with a severe drought and a plague of locusts (TNOAB, pg. 1275). Obadiah; Obadiah is the shortest book in the Hebrew Bible and is a historical prophetic book. This book was written because it is a prophecy of the vengeance of God against Edom and deals with justice (TNOAB, pg. 1298). Jonah; Jonah is the fifth book of the minor prophet and contains prophecies about foreigners like the people of Nineveh, the book is divided into two parts which deal with the call of God to Jonas and the second called. the book is a narrative about a prophet and is in the old testament. Jonah was mentioned in 2 kings and lived during the reign of Jeroboam II. It is the only book of the old testament that deals exclusively with the commission charged to a prophet to go to the Nineveh city to …show more content…

It is one of the first prophetic books. Amos uses surprising metaphors from his experience as a pastor and farmer. he pronounces the judgment of God over the northern kingdom of Israel because of dissipation, idolatry, and oppression against the poor. The author prophesies that God loves mercy and not only formal sacrifices. their prophecies were addressed to the northern kingdom (Israel). He taught that the future greatness of Israel would not be secured through power and wealth but by justice and judgment (CC, pg. 96 TO 109). Zephaniah; Zephaniah lived in the time of Jeremiah, Habakkuk, and Nahum. Just like those prophets, he speaks against the sins of the people. He prophesies the judgment on Judah and the surrounding nations as well as the blessings on the restored Jerusalem (CC, pg. 121 TO