Joshua 1: 1-2 Study Guide

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In the book of Joshua the characteristics of the covenant in 5:1-12 states that all male Israelites were required to undergo circumcision, this covenant meant cutting off the old life and beginning a new life with God. Circumcision, also marks the covenant of Israel’s position as God’s covenant people. In Joshua 24: 18 states “We too will serve the Lord, because he is our God.” This a powerful verse, all the people of Israel confirmed they would serve the Lord and never forsake Him. Joshua an exemplary leader, ruled over twelve tribes renewed the covenant at Shechem, and reaffirmed the people of Israel the covenant between Israel and God. Joshua, reminded the Hebrews the commands and instructions by which God gave in the covenant there are not to be any association with the pagan world, no intermarriage, no local gods, people are not to worship any other gods or idols, to throw away all foreign gods, these items are a distraction of worshipping our true God, we are to serve the Lord alone. …show more content…

Joshua’s hopes for the Hebrew people were for them to completely understand the significant history of Israel, so that they can teach their children about God’s power and grace. It is through God whom, delivered the people of Israel from slavery, protected them throughout their entire journey amongst other nations and carried them to the Promised Land. Joshua, urging the people of Israel to never forget that God fulfilled His promises. Joshua, inspired for the people of Israel to remain obedient to God and the covenant, he encouraged them to make righteous choices, and to sustain spirituality especially if they wished to maintain the blessing of the