Julius Caesar And Malcolm X's Assassination

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This paper aims to make an insightful comparison of two great leaders of history whom were assassinated by conspirators during the height of their political lives. By exploring the assassination and lives of these two men we can more clearly understand the historical and social events that underpin a conspiracy as grand as these. The life and death of Julius Caesar is one of the original grand conspiracies in history, as his ambition grew so did the envy of his fellow senators. Julius Caesar was born to a noble family and inherited a relatively high status in ancient Rome’s hierarchy. Fighting a bloody civil war as a young adult Caesar came to age as a military aristocrat. However, his inheritance and place in the ranks of nobility were stripped …show more content…

Malcolm’s family was terrorized by Ku Klux Klan members during his early childhood, moving multiple times until finally residing in Michigan where Malcolm’s father was presumably killed Malcolm found his way to the city of Boston after his father’s death. Malcolm’s father’s death was of mysterious circumstances and rumours of white racists being responsible deeply affected Malcolm. As a youth he experienced harsh racism when his aspirations to become a career driven black man were met with roadblocks in school and racism from his teachers (Perry, 1991). Realizing that society in America had no real place for a black man of his potential he turned to the underworld to make a name and life for himself, as he was a very ambitious and driven individual from the get go (Perry,1991). Rejected from employers, and met with systemic racism wherever he went Malcolm became a street hustler, pimping, gambling, stealing and dealing his way on the inner-city streets until he eventually put in prison. It was during Prison that Malcolm had an experience that he described was as if Allah had given him a gift to be able to reflect and convert to Islam and change his ways (Perry, 1991). Malcom soon joined the Nation of Islam and upon being released from prison preached a philosophy that was incredibly radical for the time. The nation of Islam and Malcolm preached an over zealous stance on racial division and particularly black superiority, in order to combat the harsh reality of racism in white America. The nation of Islam proclaimed that the white race was born of devils, and obviously caused immense controversy and threat from opposition. Malcolm did so much for the construction of modern black American collective identity and fought hard for civil rights that changed the course of history. After Malcolm left the Nation of Islam he announced that the civil rights movement should be a human