Was Caesar's Assassination Justified

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“Et tu, Brute?” Asked Caesar, drawing his last breaths before collapsing at the foot of his arch rival’s effigy, Pompey, at the Senate house. This phrase illustrates the uttermost betrayal by a confidant in the English speaking world. Being ‘stabbed’ once from behind has been enough for us to judge the person’s moral quality. Imagine being stabbed 23 times… Caesar’s assassination was led by the envious Cassius, as well as a handful of other Roman senators, including Brutus who had a strong relationship with Caesar. The conspirators believed that removing Caesar would ‘liberate’ the Romans and restore the republic, at least this was what Brutus had in mind. Although Caesar denied the designation of “king,” he was no doubt a megalomaniacal and …show more content…

Self-serving biases caused the conspirators to think that society, or life in general, could be better sans the victim. Politicians tend to assume that they share similar desires as the public and would be considered a hero if they acted upon it. Retribution is also a justification for most, if not all, of political assassinations and oppositions. It is ironic that people desire a tenacious leader, yet they fear autocracy. There is a thirst for more land, yet there exists a concern about greed. Society craves improvements, but rejects assertive means of propelling growth. The quest for the proper society appears to be ceaseless. What does it truly take to be a right, honorable, valid, and established person in such society, particularly a cosmopolitan …show more content…

Lincoln had transformed the role of the president by vesting in supreme power over Congress and the courts. Both regimes under Lincoln and Caesar are almost identical in the sense that power is drawn towards one authoritative individual. What Lincoln did for the country was no doubt remarkable and conceivably something that humanity yearned for: Lincoln was doing the ‘right’ thing for the country. Regardless, there were people who stood against his ideologies, which may not be complete wrong, but they’re just not ‘right’. After shooting Lincoln, Booth exclaimed “sic semper tyrannis,” which translates to “thus always to tyrants,” insinuating that he had liberated America from a tyrant the same way Brutus liberated Rome from Caesar’s autocratic