Julius Caesar Assassination Essay

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Political assassinations play a major role in history and are important to learn from. Although each situation has its own motives and outcomes, one can observe many similarities between these cases. A well-known assassination in history is Julius Caesar, but few people know about Alan Berg’s. Even though these assassinations occurred years apart, they prove to be similar in quite a few aspects. Most political figures gain power over a long time, but some become popular quickly and controversial views arise. This can lead to a series of problems including assassination and is relevant in Caesar’s murder. His popularity came from returning to Rome with multiple military victories, and news of the previous ruler’s death. After such achievement, Caesar said that he would be a dictator until his death. Since this new ruler would take power from the Senate, a few of the members agreed that an assassination was the best solution to this power struggle (“The Assassination of Julius Caesar, 44 BC”). Another reason Caesar so quickly gained power, and why people hated him is from the belief that he was responsible for Pompey’s death, the previous beloved ruler( "What Were the Motives …show more content…

The final plan for Caesar’s murder was to kill him in Senate while he was alone, and the conspirators could conceal their daggers under their togas(“The Assassination of Julius Caesar, 44 BC”). Many of the senators were involved in the stabbing and death of Caesar, but the two main conspirators were Cassius Longinus and Marcus Brutus. On March 15, 44 BC, Caesar, despite a warning note, strayed from his security and was stabbed repeatedly( "The Ides of March: Julius Caesar Is Murdered."). Caesar died in front of Pompey’s status, an ironic fall, with thirty-five stab wounds("The Assassination of Julius Caesar, 44 BC."). Caesar died in front of the figure that motivated his own