
Julius Caesar Research Paper

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The Life of Julius Caesar Many people in world history are well-known and famous, but one person who made an impact in the world in the history was very popular and his story has been told for centuries and pasted down to generation to generation this person name was Gaius Julius Caesar. Caesar had a wonderful life was born and raised in the right family he was born in 100 B.C. which was not a great time period because Sulla was in power. His family had wealth he was raised political family Caesar was able go to school and be education in his childhood while growing up and he was even home school. Caesar got married in the year 84 B.C. and also Caesar was on a ship and got captured by pirates. Caesar got into the political world and made a career out of it. He got elected Pontifex in 73 B.C., and the year of 69 B.C. Caesar’s wife died …show more content…

and got elected to the consul in the year 60 B.C.. He excelled in the political world and was known for this rising power. Caesar was a military leader and looked for a war to start and he invaded the other lands and continue to reign. Some of these events helped Caesar to become famous. Crassus was one of the major well-known leaders. Caesar was involved in many of these events like the Roman Civil War which began in 49 B.C., Julius Caesar had victorious year fighting in the year 48 B.C., for Caesar it continues the fight 47 B.C.. Then Julius Caesar was known for at the end of his life with all the power and was called a dictator in 45 B.C., and at the end people were against Julius Caesar. He was assassinated that is how he died this year 44 B.C.. There are many views people have on Caesar a well-known person who was famous and who became a great military leader. Then rose in the political career world and was popular and was chosen was selected to be a leader it happened many times and people also called him a leader. His overall character and what he accomplished in his life was amazing, and encourage

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