Karl Marx Research Paper

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Karl Marx, one of the many influential social thinkers. He is defiantly known for his critiques of the social, economic, and political implications of industrial capitalism. Most people think of communism as a bad thing but Marx would very much disagree. “Marxism” is a great example of his many volumes of critiques when it comes down to the sociology. He can be considered one of the greatest philosophers/sociologists of the 19th century. Karl Marx’s study of class structure and social hierarchy has been important to the field of sociology. Marx’s believed that he could study history and society scientifically and discern tendencies of history and the resulting outcome of social conflicts. Many communists today may still use Marx’s ideas or …show more content…

He was born on May 5, in 1818. His parents Hirschel and Henrietta Marx also had nine children in total with Marx himself. (Kreis, 2008) Before Marx was born his Jewish father converted the entire family to Protestantism. In the 1815 there was a law that had banned Jews from the high society so Karl’s father thought that was the best decision to keep his job as a lawyer. Marx was a regular student; He was home schooled until he was 12 years old. In 1830 to 1835 Marx attended the Jesuit high school in Trier, at that time known as the Friedrich-Wilhelm Gymnasium. The school ended up being raided in 1832 because the school’s principal was always a suspect by authorities. When Karl was 17 years old he enrolled at the University of Bonn to study law. He didn’t last due to the fact he was very rebellious. Marx got into a lot of trouble even went to prison for drunkenness and disturbing the peace many times. Marx ended up going to the University of Berlin because his father wanted him to become more serious about school. Later, in 1841 he received his doctorate from the University of Jena. He started to work as a journalist then became an editor of the democratic Rheinische Zeitung a Cologne newspaper. Then in 1843 Marx resigned and moved to Paris, where he first met Engels. The result of Marx and Engels’s first collaboration was published in 1845 as The Holy Family. Marx died of pleurisy in London on March 14, 1883.