Kayla Fratt: A Brief Summary

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Kayla Fratt ’16, a current WES Scholar from Wisconsin, was enchanted by the Rocky Mountains, which led her to find Colorado College, the type of small liberal arts school she always knew she wanted to attend. Fratt had never heard of the Woman’s Educational Society, but was pleased to receive the generous award for her accomplishments. WES had the ability to not only reduce Fratt’s loans and financial stress, but also offer her a group to trust in for assistance. “WES also is a really great community of supportive women and mentors, which has been a great network of emotional support,” Fratt says. Fratt also appreciates the impact of the book scholarship that WES Scholars receive each semester. This aids Fratt to have the resources for her intense studies as an organismal biology …show more content…

They helped pay for my on-campus EMT course, which is the only thing that allowed me to take the course.” In between her busy schedule, Fratt enjoys finding time to stay connected with the women of WES, who offer as much social support as they do academic. Fratt especially enjoys the holiday cookie exchange when she is able to meet the board and strengthen her relationship with the society. “My personal mentor, Elaine, is always very engaged and interested in my schooling and social life. It’s wonderful to grab lunch or dinner with her, and just update someone on my life, knowing that they really care about what I have to say.” Fratt’s time at CC has been enhanced by WES, a group that has given her both friendship and opportunities she may not have had otherwise. Through WES’s continuous encouragement and the intensive environment at CC, Fratt has taken away the ability to balance her life, take initiative, and work well alone and with others. Fratt is capable of acting independently in her academic and personal life while always maintaining the highest level of performance, preparing her for whatever may come her