
Keller Motors Interview

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There are many ways to structure an organization. Leaders must have one eye on the future when determining the structure that is right for their organization. “Organizations can be viewed as systems in which management creates the architecture for the system of production”(Boundless, n.d.). In order to find real world applications for organizational structure, I interviewed Matt Myers, the General Manager for the Ford portion of Keller Motors in Hanford, CA. I was able to glean some very interesting information during this interview about Keller Motors as a whole, and reasons to structure the organization in the manner they chose. From the information gained during the interview, I am able to develop an organization chart for Keller Motors, …show more content…

Myers stated that the sales department has a high turnover rate, specifically new/used sales representatives. Keller motors is a large company and I believe there is a way to improve the organization’s ability to adapt during periods of turnover. I have been stationed in a squadron that operated multiple types of aircraft. During a period of reduced manning, we had to qualify sailors on multiple platforms in order to meet mission requirements. The result was a better-trained maintenance crew that could perform the maintenance that had previously required many more people. Keller could benefit form this line of thinking. The sales representatives already employed at the organization could be certified to sell both Chevrolet and Ford products to increase the flexibility and sales opportunities for the organization as a whole. At some point, turnover is going to happen. If for some reason, several sales representatives at the Ford dealership leave, then sales representatives at the Chevrolet dealership could be used while more sales representatives are hired. This improvement would allows the new/used sales divisions to operate as one cohesive unit instead of two separate entities that perform the same

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