Ken Ham What About God Analysis

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In the episode of “What about God?” several cases and individuals are used to make a major statement. To explain, it starts by introducing Ken Ham, a well-known proponent of biblical literalism who is strongly against the idea of evolution. Following Ken, a geology student who is confused about the evolution and creationism idea argues with family about his views. Next, Wheaton College exemplifies how evolution cannot be taught in education setting by making professors sign a statement of faith, affirming their belief in Adam and eve. Lastly, Lafayette High is denied the idea to teach evolution and creationism in one class. What do all these examples have in common? Well, it can be clearly seen how evolution and creationism cannot coexist with …show more content…

But why then do so many individuals such as Ken Ham deny its existence. The answer is simple, they take the bible too literally. For example, in Exodus 20:11 it says “For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth”. If taken literally the earth was made in just six days which equates to 144 hours or Monday through Saturday. This completely contradicts the scientific view where the galaxy was made 13 billion years ago while the earth was formed 4 billion years ago (live science). Another example is in Genesis 2:7-22 “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground….And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman” meaning males were made from dirt and females from our rib cage. Once again it completely contradicts the science where humans developed from a common ancestor such as A. sediba. Instead of reading the bible literally one should be open minded to the significance each verse can provide. Having a literal mind impedes the person from seeing the broad perspective of the creation of life. By breaking down the barriers of the bible one can then start to think of how both evolution and creationism can …show more content…

In other words, if a person is a true believer in evolution it does not mean he will be atheist and or reject creationism. This is what Ken Ham, Wheaton College or layette education board probably feared of happening to their students or personal lives. This grand battle, however, can be solved with a simple solution. By asking a straightforward question that Author Stefan Lovgren himself asked, What if God used evolution as a tool? A tool to explain how we humans and everything around us came to be. The possibilities of this are endless. God works in many ways and wonders that this may very well be a case. If God is the designer then he must use tools to design his creation. Just like a carpenter needs tools to create furniture. Evolution is a tool that is used by humans to survive on earth. Furthermore, the Mormon & Catholic Church are great examples to demonstrate how both can coexist. Very well-known Mormon scientist Henry Eyring never opposed any of the two views but rather saw how they both needed each other. By stating, “Science tries to pursue and find the truth in all its forms and the LDS church is ultimately interested in the truth”. Pope Pius XII said that Catholic Church teachings on creation could coexist with evolutionary theory (Humani Generis). With this being said, evolution ultimately answers the how and religion asks why? Leading both to coexist with one another and