Ken Robinson's Speech Do Schools Kill Creativity?

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In his speech, "Do Schools Kill Creativity?", Ken Robinson (Robinson, 2006) discusses individual 's creativity and the role of education in this field. Robinson argues that the main aim of education systems is to prepare students for their careers. He continues to suggest that "we are running education systems where mistakes are the worst thing you can do". (Robinson, 2006, p.7). He also adds that "we are educating people out of their creative capacities". His speech raises questions: "what is creativity?", "do schools kill creativity?" and can creativity be learned?

There are numerous explanations for the term creativity. Here are some of the most distinctive points of view. The first point, according to Lehrer (2012, pp. XVIII-XIX), is that there are ‘‘multiple forms of creativity’’, and creativity can be understood as a kind of ‘‘blessing’’. However, Lerdahl (2007, p. 13) considers creativity as a "state of mind that can be found among people in all kinds of professions under particular circumstances". An alternative perspective of creativity is "the ability to produce something that is new, original, unexpected and appropriate" (Sternberg and Lubard, 1991). Furthermore, Lerdahl (2007, p.27) claims that, "creativity is not an ability or skill we are born with, but something that can be learned, at least to some extent". Ken Robinson says "creativity, which I explain as the process of having authentic ideas that have value." (Robinson, 2006, p.7). Therefore,