Kent State Museum Mission Statement

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The Kent State University Museum is a historical and contemporary museum mainly revolving around the history of fashion and textile. The museum was founded in 1985 and is composed of eight galleries (Kent). Although fashion is an obvious attraction at this museum, one cannot deny the historic undertone. From beginning to end one might feel a sense of time travel from the 18th century to today. The purpose of this review is to look at the museum more closely and identify the following: vision/mission statement, target visitors, exhibitions, competitors, and suggestions for improvements. The vision/mission statement is essential to providing the target visitors with relevant concise garments and art. The museum appears to be committed to displaying history through garments and other artwork to students and other members of the community (Kent). To achieve this, the museum is devoted to the preservation …show more content…

This museum appears to be very similar to the Kent State University Museum. In fact, this museum has a previous exhibit that is very reminiscent of the Fashion Timeline and The 1980s An Age of Excess exhibitions, titled Fashion American Style: 1900-1999 America’s 20th Century Rise to Dominate World Fashion (Ohio). In addition they both offer digital galleries for visitors. After reviewing the Kent State Museum in greater detail, the museum is currently in good standing with its target visitor. The museum implements technology throughout the museum in different rooms as well as on its website to capture its audience. The museum attempts to appeal to a younger demographic by offering multiple social media connections. The museum also has a reasonably priced gift shop. Furthermore, the museum has few competitors which makes it an attraction. Even with all of its attributes there are recommendations, that if implemented could broaden the demographic of the target