Key Concepts In Relation To Values And Rights Analysis

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In this essay I will be discussing two key concepts in relation to values and rights, and how my personal understanding of these will have a positive influence on my future practice as a nurse. Looking back over the weeks, I have been investigating and discussing many values and rights based topics that I believe are all equally important not just as a nurse but as a person. I have decided to focus on stigma, discrimination and values, as these particular concepts encouraged me delve into great depths of thought and enabled me to change the way that I approach situations.
Values is a thought-provoking concept that has no definitive right or wrong. When I first started the values module, I had a very naive understanding on the concept of Values. …show more content…

In our western society our values seem to be more or less liberal values, such as democracy and equality. On the other hand, these values that we hold will not held in high regard worldwide and may not be valued by other people, even within the western society as we are such a vast and diverse culture. As a nurse, we must always acknowledge that there are thousands of different cultures and beliefs, that will shape values that and different from our own. I feel that this is a vital concept to remember when caring for a …show more content…

“It is important to understand the difference between a hate crime and a hate incident. If someone undertakes a course of action that is not itself a crime but is motivated by hostility or prejudice, because the victim is a disabled person, or perceived as a disabled person, then it will be recorded as a disability hate incident.” (SCLD, 2015). As a care worker it is crucial that we look out for hate crimes, when working with people who have additional support needs as they might not understand the severity of what has happened and how to deal with the crime. The service user may not notice that a hate crime has been committed against them and it is our responsibility to report the incident immediately to the correct authorities. It is our job and duty of care as nurses to protect the