
Key Features Of Inclusion In The Classroom

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To measure this case study, of how inclusive my lesson was, key features of an inclusive learning environment need to be considered. ‘Inclusion is about much more than the type of school that’s the children attend: it is about the quality of their experience; how they are helped to learn, achieve and participate fully in the life of the school’ (Arthur, Grainger and Wray, 2006, p.260). Hence, they key features of inclusion I aim to use as a ‘success criteria’ for the case study are: did I believe in the principles of inclusion? Are the individual pupils being included? what is their experience of inclusion and to what extent are they being included? Lastly, are ability groups being challenged throughout the case study? The success criteria’s purpose is to overall grade the inclusiveness of part of a lesson (Appendix 2) during my school experience. Case study, …show more content…

To be more inclusive in the future, I could create a sheet to aid the learning for MO and TP. This sheet could have been almost a guide for them, which would have helped them understand the learning and would have created a scaffold for the task (Wood, Bruner, et al., 1976). This aid wouldn’t necessarily have only been available to them, which would be exclusive, but to anyone who wished for some additional support. As previously noted in this essay, children surprisingly tend to challenge themselves (Grigg, 2015). Therefore, if this aid had been put in place it would have ultimately created a more inclusive climate for learning.
Following on from the lesson, the impact in learning was evidenced through the next lesson. In the lesson, the following day, smaller groups (Appendix 2) were taken by the class teacher and I. The groups were made up from pupils who had asked for extra help with specific success criteria. Although this method was not fully inclusive, this method was the class teacher’s choice and something I professionally agreed

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