Demonstrated Excellence In Classroom Practice

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1. Demonstrated excellence in classroom practice to support the diverse needs and development of students K-6, with an emphasis on implementing high quality teaching and learning programs.

I recognise and support the diverse needs and development of all my students. I respect and understand the importance of social, cultural, religious and linguistic backgrounds and value each student’s individuality. This year at Helensburgh Public School I have had the opportunity to teach Release from face to face (RFF) and the Multi-categorical (MC) class. I have utilised my knowledge of students’ physical, social and intellectual development to implement a range of teaching strategies and learning experiences to promote an inclusive classroom where all …show more content…

When teaching established programs such as the Primary Connections Science units, I have differentiated activities to cater for students’ specific learning needs and abilities. For example, when teaching the MC class I have created or modified worksheets, incorporated YouTube videos to engage students and make learning experiences more meaningful, created a digital class journal to review regularly and provided more hands-on opportunities to meet the developmental needs of each student in the class.

Using my knowledge of the curriculum, assessment and reporting requirements, I design and implement learning and teaching programs. I consistently reflect on my teaching practice to ensure I am implementing high quality teaching and learning experiences, whilst ensuring students’ social, emotional and academic needs are met. I seek advice when necessary, accept feedback and constructive criticism and modify my instructions and teaching strategies …show more content…

This has allowed me to collaborate and develop a great rapport with my colleagues, through exchanging ideas and feedback, sharing resources, and developing unit outlines, assessment tasks and reporting comments. During formal and informal meetings with class teachers I have regularly discussed student welfare and effective behaviour management strategies for individual students.

I have actively participated in all Stage 3 Meetings at Helensburgh Public School contributing to discussions, regularly sharing my thoughts, knowledge and experiences.
These meetings have provided me with the opportunity to work collaboratively with the Stage 3 teachers, discussing and applying constructive feedback from my colleagues to improve my professional knowledge and practice concerning assessment procedures to ensure consistent and comparable teaching judgement of student learning.

To assist Mrs Badham with the new reporting system this semester, I researched the Science curriculum to locate the appropriate ‘Knowledge and understanding’ and ‘Skills’ indicators to correspond with all the Primary Connections Science units taught by the Stage 3 teachers this semester. I also provided a number of the Stage 2 Science