
King Lear Research Paper

180 Words1 Pages
How much drama, tragedy, and betrayal can you fit in five acts? The answer, so much. King Lear is one of the three great tragedies written by Shakespeare. Telling the story of King Lear, and the treachery of those who circle him. The elderly King Lear of Britain has decided to resign from power and divide the kingdom between his three daughters, Cordelia, Regan, and Goneril. Lear has already divided the land anticipating his most beloved daughter, Cordelia, to win his “challenge”. Goneril and Regan, the two most rotten apples in the tree, have quick declaration of immense and devoted love for their father. Cordelia refuses to become a part of his game, seeing the gesture as childish and unnecesry. Telling her father that she loves her father

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